Rana Neida is still in development, the current build is just for testing out the basics of movement and combat. It has some serious problems with loading and freeze a lot while doing so.

  • WASD - Movement
  • SPACE - Jumping
  • SHIFT - Spring
  • J - Attack
  • TAB - Show/Hide Map

In this game, you will be playing the role of Rana Neida, waking up after a long winter. As the aspect of spring, you will be making sure that plant life reemerge again and winter gets cleaned up. But beware, your Sister, the aspect of Winter, will not leave without a fight.

Rana Neida is an exploration action platformer in the vein of castlevania, there will be plenty fo enviroments to explore, enemies to defeat, and powerups to aquire.

The art is all pixelart made by Bit Assembly, it has a Score composed by Bizarre Song, The titular character and their sister are designed by Beardie Arts.